Monday, December 15, 2008

Welcome to our Holiday Home!


Come in and see the tree in the Living room. . .

Here's the Advent wreath:

Have a look upstairs. . .

Let's head up to the bedrooms:

That was a look at the boys' bedrooms and their bathroom door.

Here's the bit of Christmas in their bathroom:

Now here are the other bedroom doors. . .

That one is the Master bedroom door. Let's go in there. . .

Through the door to the balcony. . .

The Master bath is festive too:

Back down the stairs we go. . .

Our last stop for today is the Family room:

Tomorrow we'll see the Kitchen, 1/2 bath and Dining room!


teachermomof2 said...

Your home is lovely! Thanks for sharing. I love your mantel and fireplace.


B said...

Your home is stunning. Have a wonderful Christmas!