Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Whoa! Where did November go?

It's been weeks -- almost 3! -- since I've blogged about anything! What's up with that? I'll tell you what -- LIFE! Mine has been busy lately.

Here's what's been up:

The big game didn't go well. :( Our band rocked the house. :)

Had a little breakdown a couple weeks ago. I feel much better now.

Finally, FINALLY got the big seasonal switch of clothing done. Whew! Thank God for that.

C and I got up late the morning of the convention. Thank God my friends and I always plan to leave much earlier than needed. Our friends L and S also woke up late that day. We'd all worked a fundraiser late the night before.

B2 is on the computer too much. We're working on that.

Nothing else new to report, at least nothing I can remember. Thanksgiving -- a fabulous holiday -- is in two days. And it's snowing. Snow here in November is not so unusual, but we've already had a snow day! I do not like this, not one little bit. Perhaps this early snow means we're getting it all out of the way and the rest of winter will be a breeze! I could get my mind around that!

Three days from now is one of my favorite days. BLACK FRIDAY! On that day, I go out to shop. I don't necessarily leave in the dark. I don't fight with people over the last _____. I just shop all day and into the night and sometimes the wee hours of Saturday morning. I can spend, within reason, what I want and not worry about it. I.LOVE.THIS.DAY. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's officially my favorite time of year -- beginning Halloween night and running until the end of the year. It's about January 2nd, when we have to go back to school and everything gets ugly and boring that I hate. For now, though, I'll focus on all the fun this season brings. :)

B1 has his last football game performance of his Freshman year this Friday, against our cross-town rivals. Unfortunately, the team will probably lose this one. The band will ROCK, though. I really think we have the best band in the county, but I am slightly biased.

B2's soccer season is over now. He is in down time right now, because he doesn't do any winter sports. There are going to be some soccer clinics in February and March, though, so that will pull him out of the duldrums then. For now, there's always the Wii Fit! That thing is a lot of FUN!

C is doing the usual -- dancing, dancing, dancing! We have a workshop this weekend -- have to leave around 5am Sunday. Ugh.

I'm STILL trying to do the seasonal switch of clothing. I WILL finish it this weekend! I WILL.

I got the BHG e-mail featuring handmade ornaments yesterday. I found a few I'd like to try. :)